UBlock Origin 1.51.0 downloading
UBlock Origin 1.51.0 downloading

uBlock Origin 1.51.0 downloading

Better yet, you can add custom, third party filter by quickly visiting the designated section from the Settings page. It's backed up by a couple of very powerful filters, such as EasyList, Peter Lowe's Ad server list, EasyPrivacy and Malware Domains list.

uBlock Origin 1.51.0 downloading

Enforced by some of the most powerful ad-blocking filters To the rescue comes uBlock Origin, a highly customizable and powerful Chrome extension (also available for Firefox and Opera) that takes its mission to block third party ads, trackers and other possibly malware-related content extremely seriously. It's no wonder, especially since most ads actually slow down the website loading process, not to mention that they make the layout of various webpages feel uninviting due to tons of clutter. While we agree that not all Internet ads are "evil," if given the chance, most of us would surely be better off without them.

UBlock Origin 1.51.0 downloading