Microsoft office 2013 professional plus contents
Microsoft office 2013 professional plus contents

microsoft office 2013 professional plus contents

With Visio 2010, sharing diagrams inside your business and with customers or partners is easier than ever. Share diagrams through a Web browser and refresh them without using Visio. And, with automatic linking to popular types of data sources, the displayed visuals are always current. Vibrant icons, symbols, colors, and bar graphs give you a clear view of the information that matters to your business. With Visio 2010, you can place real-time data right on the shapes of your diagram. But moving between a diagram and its data can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Gaining an accurate and relevant view of your business often requires both a high-level perspective and detailed data. Whether it's an org chart, a floor plan, or a business process, the latest tools in Visio 2010 help you create vibrant diagrams that simplify complexity and get everyone on the same page.Ĭreate dynamic, data-driven diagrams that are connected to real-time business data and refresh automatically. With Microsoft Visio 2010, you can easily illustrate complex ideas visually with professional-looking templates and modern, pre-drawn shapes. Together, simplicity, data-driven shapes, and Web sharing make Visio 2010 one of the most powerful ways to see and understand important information.Įasily define and simplify business and IT systems with intuitive, professional-looking diagrams.Ī picture paints a thousand words. The advanced diagramming tools of Visio 2010 help you simplify complexity with dynamic, data-driven visuals and new ways to share on the Web in real-time.

Microsoft office 2013 professional plus contents